Jeet Kune Do consists of physical techniques and applied philosophies and requires the individual to train him or herself to their most cultivated state of being-ness so that when faced with a combat situation or a challenging personal situation, the tools needed are available in the moment and can be executed without thought. The techniques and philosophies of JKD can be applied to real combat as well as challenging life situations. The basic guiding principles are: Simplicity, Directness and Freedom (the form of no form). The idea of intercepting is key to JKD, whether it be the interception of your opponent’s technique or his intent. Lee wrestled with putting a name to his art as he constantly veered away from any type of crystallization (and thereby limitation) of its essence, however, the simple need to refer to it in some concrete way won out and Jeet Kune Do was born. The term Jeet Kune Do was coined and put into use in 1967 by Bruce Lee in an attempt to put a name to his martial expression. The art has as its symbolic representation what we call Bruce Lee’s Core Symbol (see below) and uses as its main tenet: “Using no way as way having no limitation as limitation.” Bruce Lee developed an expression of martial arts that was personal to him called Jeet Kune Do (translated: Way of the Intercepting Fist).